All weekend, all Detroit. Michigan Brew Tours rolled through Detroit on Saturday and Sunday, visiting some of our favorite breweries in the city proper!
All told, we ate some killer brunch at Bobcat Bonnie's; we learned all the secrets behind the enigmatic names of the spirits at Two James; at Founders, we discussed bravely navigating the modern craft beer menu; we tasted malted barley samples with a guy from France at Batch (okay, he didn't taste the malt, but he WAS at Batch and he WAS from France); at Eastern Market Brewing, we puzzled over beer scoresheets and pondered the meaning of life; and, at Jolly Pumpkin in Midtown, we learned the most important lesson of all - where to pick up your beer order. All the while, we sampled some of the absolute best beer and spirits available for responsible consumption(!) in the Great Beer State. Thanks to all our guests and all our hosts!