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Go West (and slightly north), young man!

John from MBT

Barrels, fermenters, and brewer are merely representational and may or may not actually appear on this tour.

When newspaperman Horace Greeley coined the phrase "Go west, young man!", I happen to know FOR A FACT that he was referring to our new tour, the Western Oakland County Brewery Tour. (True story. Look it up.) Greeley could not have better captured the anticipation and excitement we at Michigan Brew Tours have for this tour! FIVE new stops, all outstanding breweries, all willing to open their doors and extend their hospitality to our guests on Sunday, August 18. It's particularly exciting since we will ACTUALLY be getting people outside of their comfort zones, something we're fond of doing in a FIGURATIVE sense on our tours in regard to beer and spirits. AND YET, they will be leaving these "zones" in the relative comfort of a Michigan Brew Tours' shuttle van, so - irony, right?

Tickets for the Western Oakland County Brewery Tour are on sale NOW, so get while they're hot! With five breweries on tap (pun!), this one is gonna be jam-packed with beer and fun and beer!

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